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Another one joins the Forever 27 club.

July 23, 2011

I can't believe this shit, another musician has died at 27. Amy Winehoue, I know I'm sure it doesn't come as any surprise. But what is it with the age 27? Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain all died at the age of 27.  All the greats. It's so sad that so many people with so much talent die....

What the hell?

It has been a very long time since I
Nothing new is going on other than wanting to freak out on my lovely daughter. She is having some issues! Not wanting to go to bed, not waning to eat whats for supper. You know the normal 5yr old shit.

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April 21, 2011

You know since I was 12 and how shall I say it. Was turned into a hormonal bat-shit crazy woman, I have thought that guys have it sooo much better then girls. They don't bleed for a week, have cramps that will make you drop to your knee's.

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April 20, 2011

Well you learn something new every stinking day! And sometimes it's shit you didn't want to hear. :(  Spent the day at Morghana's grandma's house, and it was like being hit with a ton of bricks some of the things I found out. Seriously, I had no idea things had gotten so bad. It makes me mad and sad! Why would someone WASTE their life away like that?

I guess no one knows except for the person wasting away! It's a damn shame! And I pray to god that he will forgive this person. No one is beyond help in the eyes of the lord.


Dancing with myself.....

April 18, 2011

Well, things have been crazy around here. I turned the big 31!!!!!! OMG THE HORROR! LOL Next my daughter turns I feel old and it doesn't feel like she should be 5 already. Even though she thinks she is 30 herself. I wonder if when she gets older if she will listen to the music I listen too know and think "omg, what is this shit"? My mom and dad were so 'effin weird.  Like i'm listening to the buzzcocks right now, Morghana might like this kinda stuff now but I can only imagine what she is going to like when she is like 12 or 13. It will be all about BOYS! I don't even want to think about that. I'll be sitting on the porch with a shotgun along with my step-dad and Nathan. lol

stupid people

April 17, 2011

this is bullshit.

My daughter....

December 19, 2010

I don't know if this is normal for a 4 1/2 year old, to do this but my 4 year does it. She says "I'm hungry". So I ask her what she wants and she says "I dunno". So I start asking her if she wants a sandwich, waffles, apple and carrots, pretty much anything we have in the kitchen except the damn kitchen sink. Everything I suggest she doesn't want. So I tell her, let me know when you figure it out. And she has a meltdown(she is spoiled).

  Most of the time she wants something that is not appropriate for dinner, like a popsicle or a doughnut. Drives me crazy, because it happens everyday, all day!

Michael Vick and Dogs.

December 17, 2010

Earlier this week Michael Vick told the press, that he would love to own another dog in the future. When I heard this not only was I shocked, I was pissed. He couldn’t be serious could he? Unfortunately he was not joking. After his past history of fighting, mistreating and killing dogs, I just hope someone will stop him or beat the crap out of him before his probation is up in 2012.

  In my opinion he should not have been allowed back into    the NFL, but he got a second chance. I believe that if he is allowed to own another dog, that dog won’t have a second chance. I have a few statements that I have read of Vick’s. I am VERY surprised and disappointed in the President of the Humane Society of the United States, this is his statement. “I have been around him a lot, and feel confident that he would do a good job as a pet owner”.

Is he off his rocker?

  These are a few statements Vick made.

"I would love to get another dog in the future. I think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process"

   And this one is sad and unfortunate, but this is what happens when you mess up and your children have to pay the price for your F@#$ ups!

“My daughters miss having one, and that's the hardest thing: Telling them that we can't have one because of my actions.”

  I hope and pray that he gets a clue and does not get another dog, or any kind of animal for that matter.

Whats up with the NFL this year?

December 4, 2010

This year has sucked ass!
   First, Nate gets laid off but then get back his old job just with way less hours. Just enough to mess with getting unemployment, and what he is making at his job isn't really enough to live on. But we are doing our best, Xmas this year will suck balls. Then we have the worst part, my Vikings are 4/7 not good.  Even my 4yr old daughter is upset. lol

I will never give up on the Vikings, but dammit this SUCKS! We won't be going to the damn super bowl, but then neither will the Cowboys lol in Dallas!  And the whole Moss thing, I am glad we got rid of him. He's an ass. He isn't even trying now that he is with the Titans. He is truly a "I will play when I want" player. And then the fucking drama with Farve! Nothing new I guess, but this is a whole different type of  drama. And his shitty performance. I love Farve, but this has to be his last year. He says it is but we all know his flip flop past.

 Thank god we got rid of Childress! And thank god for Frazier, the guys seem to like and respect him. Which is completely necessary to have a good team. Childress lost the locker room, and Frazier got it back. I would love to see what Joe Webb can do and Tarvaris Jackson for that matter.  We cannot always rely on Farve! He hasn't been so great this season. Time to bench the old man.

My new love in life....

October 21, 2010

Thanks to my wonderful friend Sarah Rose, I have found something new that I love. Due to Sarah and her boyfriend moving she had to lighten her load of things. She gave me a ton of beautiful plants. I've always believed that I would kill every plant that came my way because of childhood memories of killing a fern. But after educating myself on houseplant care and my wonderful boyfriend buying me a book on how to care for plants. I have actually nursed some of them back from looking pretty bad. Here are some pictures.

The wandering jew I received fron Nate's Aunt.
They are all very easy to take care of and I have alot of joy in taking care of them.