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Whats up with the NFL this year?

December 4, 2010

This year has sucked ass!
   First, Nate gets laid off but then get back his old job just with way less hours. Just enough to mess with getting unemployment, and what he is making at his job isn't really enough to live on. But we are doing our best, Xmas this year will suck balls. Then we have the worst part, my Vikings are 4/7 not good.  Even my 4yr old daughter is upset. lol

I will never give up on the Vikings, but dammit this SUCKS! We won't be going to the damn super bowl, but then neither will the Cowboys lol in Dallas!  And the whole Moss thing, I am glad we got rid of him. He's an ass. He isn't even trying now that he is with the Titans. He is truly a "I will play when I want" player. And then the fucking drama with Farve! Nothing new I guess, but this is a whole different type of  drama. And his shitty performance. I love Farve, but this has to be his last year. He says it is but we all know his flip flop past.

 Thank god we got rid of Childress! And thank god for Frazier, the guys seem to like and respect him. Which is completely necessary to have a good team. Childress lost the locker room, and Frazier got it back. I would love to see what Joe Webb can do and Tarvaris Jackson for that matter.  We cannot always rely on Farve! He hasn't been so great this season. Time to bench the old man.