Image Widget

Image Widget


October 16, 2009

I thought I should get in on the blogging thing, I have one already for my photography. But I wanted one just for me and my rants, raves and other nonsence. A place to vent about everyday crap..So here I am.

And believe me I have alot to rant and rave about, as any mother does. First things first!

  1. The swine flu sucks major a**.
  2. Cleaning while sick with the swine flu sucks major a**
  3. Getting your child back when not fully recovered from swine flu sucks even more a**
Advice for any mother, if you think you or your child/children are coming down with this crap go see a Dr.right away...I waited to long and wasn't able to get antiviral I had to wait it out. Then when I wanted my daughter to get a flu shot, no one had any! So I am praying that she does not get the flu. It's nasty stuff, I have been sick with it for almost 2 weeks now.
Anyways, that is my first post. Take care all.