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Time is a cruel mistress....

October 16, 2009

I was on facebook last night, and I was talking to a family member I haven't seen in probably 20 years. The last time I saw him we were eating choc chip pancakes his mom made. And still to this day if I go out to eat, and they have choc chip pancakes I order them. But they never taste the same.

Isn't it funny how certain smells, tastes, sounds and places make you think of your past? It is still strange for me to think or say, it has been 20 years since....or I haven't in 15 years....I have recently found friends that I have known since I was 9 and 13....And talking with them made me realize that time is cruel and relentless. Sometimes I feel 15 again at least mentally, and then I think about how long ago 15 was...and I feel old! I think some of that is having a child yourself, mine is 3 going on 12(or so she thinks)...And I am one of the lucky ones, there are so many single mom's out there struggling...I was a single mom for the first year and a half of Morghana's life.

And now I have a wonderful man in my life, that loves me and loves Morghana as if she was his blood. To me she is his, they have the same color eyes, same gap in their silly I know.She calls him daddy....Her "sperm Donner" of a father never calls to talk to her..never send money...He does NOTHING! And most of the time she doesn't even ask about him. Wow.....I think I'm going off the deep end here. Lack of sleep will do that. Anyhow, I will be back later....right now I have to bake a carrot cake with my daughter.