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Turkey, sweet potato's and family....

November 27, 2009

I am going to start this blog with a hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, I know I did. Nathan and I went to his grandparents house, had all kinds of delish food. A huge turkey, homemade stuffing, sweet potato's you name it we had it. Dessert everywhere at least 8 pies...pumpkin muffins, chocolate cookie's with white chocolate chips.Then after eveyone one stuffed their faces, we played cards and hung out. The only thing that was wrong was Morghana wasn't there, I miss her so much she will not be going away for the holiday's ever again! But I talked to my mom and she said Morghana was having a blast, she payed t-ball played in the sandbox ate alot of food which is rare of her to do. My time away from her was nice but also boring! I had no idea what to do with myself, all day while Nathan was at work I had no one to talk too.

And houesitting for my parents was a huge mistake! I had 3 dogs and a cat to take care of, it was like taking care of 3 toddlers. One of them constantly pissed on the floor so every morning I had to clean up dog piss. YUCK! And my mom told me that they are going to Las Vegas for new years, and how much do you want to bet they are going to ask Nathan and I to watch the dogs. NO WAY JOSE!
Anyways, I am going to go enjoy some leftovers and relax! You all have a great day.