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Happy Holidays, New Year and everything in between....

December 26, 2009

Well I hope everyones Holidays were as great and jolly as mine and my family. Morghana got everything she wanted and more, she got a ton of clothes and toy's oh my god the toys!  I am going to have to clean out her room of all her old toys to make room for her new ones. There was a certain toy she had been wanting for the past 6 months, called Spike the ultra dinosaur.

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 She wrote santa a note and put it next to the milk and cookies, saying she wanted it...and of course when she woke up in the morning a huge gift was on the couch.

 Nathan got the 6 disc changer for his truck, and some clothes and I got him a painting of some's hard to explain what it looks like. I got the complete series of Sex in the City....a stuffed felix the cat(I love felix) and then I got my laptop. I am posting some pics.