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Welcome the newest member of my family......

April 14, 2010

Hi there everyone, just thought I would say a few words today. As you can see I got a new kitty for my birthday. She is absolutly adorable. I got her off craigs list, when I picked her up she was obviously very sick. She had fleas. worms and scabs from scratching so much. So Nate, Morghana and I went to petco and got some things for her.

I gave her a bath a little after we got home with her, to try and ease the irritation of the fleas. Then the next day my mom brought over some dewormer. Then she hide for a day, we have had her since April,8th and she has adjusted great. She plays with Morghana, sleeps either on Nate and I's bed or under it. She is a great kitten, she is only 3 1/2 months old. I am very happy that I got her out of the house she was living in, the people that I got her from didn't know how to take care of a kitten.
She is a lover of a cat. And I have a wonderful boyfriend for giving me this awesome birthday gift.