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Am I having the temper tantrum or is she?

December 29, 2009

Well it is now 12:33am and I am still awake after only getting 3 hours of sleep yesterday. I have no idea what is going on with my daughter or with me that she is refusing to go to bed, I lay her down and tell her goodnight and it looks like she is going to sleep. And BOOM! she is awake and on what seems a major sugar high.

Stress what's that?

December 27, 2009

As I sit here in bed with Morghana jumping around on the bed, screaming and telling me no to everything I say I realize just how stressed out I have been today.

Coffee, My little pony and temper tantrums.

The joys of having a 3 year old, she is so excited about all the toys she got for xmas. She asked to play with one toy which she plays with for all of 5 min, then she wants something else. LOL I finally told her you play with the toys you have out and boy did she come unglued!

Happy Holidays, New Year and everything in between....

December 26, 2009

Well I hope everyones Holidays were as great and jolly as mine and my family. Morghana got everything she wanted and more, she got a ton of clothes and toy's oh my god the toys!  I am going to have to clean out her room of all her old toys to make room for her new ones. There was a certain toy she had been wanting for the past 6 months, called Spike the ultra dinosaur.

Kickass XMAS!

December 25, 2009

Well all I am back and very happy to be....Things are excellent here in Tigard, Oregon. Morghana is doing great she got everything she wanted for xmas....Nathan got lots of goodies...and I got my laptop! YAY!!!!  I will download pics tonight or tomorrow..